Tanda Peringatan Ini Lebih Mirip "Lelucon"
Ternyata salah tulis atau salah cetak yang bikin gak cuman di Indonesia gan. Gak percaya?? monggo dicekidot gan.....
"DO NOT put any person in this washer"
Jangan menaruh siapapun di dalam mesin cuci
"6PCS Precision screwdriver set not to be inserted into PEN*S"
6 pcs Obeng Presisi ini jangan dimasukan ke dalam t*tit
"Do not eat Ipod shuffle" (found on apple's website)
Jangan memakan Ipod shuffle
"We are sorry that our president is an idiot, we did not voted for him" (on an american clothing label, in french)
Kami minta maaf presiden kami seorang idiot, kami tidak memilihnya
"If you cannot read (...) warnings, do not use this product"
Jika anda tidak bisa membaca (...) awas, jangan gunakan produk ini
"Use care when operating a car (...)" (on a bottle of dog's pills)
Berhati-hatilah saat menyetir mobil (...) (Peringatan di botol pil anjing)
"Do not hold the wrong end of a chainsaw"
"Jangan pegang ujung yang salah dari gergaji" (Lihat gambar gan )
"Do not use for personal hygiene" (on Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush)
Jangan gunakan untuk membersihkan diri (Produk sabun cair)
"DO NOT put any person in this washer"
Jangan menaruh siapapun di dalam mesin cuci
"6PCS Precision screwdriver set not to be inserted into PEN*S"
6 pcs Obeng Presisi ini jangan dimasukan ke dalam t*tit
"Do not eat Ipod shuffle" (found on apple's website)
Jangan memakan Ipod shuffle
"We are sorry that our president is an idiot, we did not voted for him" (on an american clothing label, in french)
Kami minta maaf presiden kami seorang idiot, kami tidak memilihnya
"If you cannot read (...) warnings, do not use this product"
Jika anda tidak bisa membaca (...) awas, jangan gunakan produk ini
"Use care when operating a car (...)" (on a bottle of dog's pills)
Berhati-hatilah saat menyetir mobil (...) (Peringatan di botol pil anjing)
"Do not hold the wrong end of a chainsaw"
"Jangan pegang ujung yang salah dari gergaji" (Lihat gambar gan )
"Do not use for personal hygiene" (on Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush)
Jangan gunakan untuk membersihkan diri (Produk sabun cair)